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BBC – Living with a Stoma

This week I notice the BBC have shared 2x patient accounts of their experience of living with a stoma. Both women underwent colonic surgery; one because of cancer and the other one because of Crohn’s disease. For those unfortunate enough to need surgery, these accounts provide a useful and uplifting account of life beyond stoma formation.  

Pan-Enteric Capsule Endoscopy

We are looking to introduce Pan-Enteric Capsule endoscopy shortly at the L&D. Potentially this could spare patients from having to undergo 3 separate procedures; SBCE, and invasive upper endoscopy + colonoscopy A second-generation colon capsule (PillCam), designed to evaluate the entire small bowel and colon, has shown promising results (NEJM JW Gastroenterol Dec 2011 and Gastrointest Endosc 2011; 75:581).  …

Hypermobility Syndrome / Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndrome / Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Within the field of gastroenterology I often see this condition typically associated with slow transit constipation, which in turn leads to gas trapping, uncomfortable bloating distension and lower abdominal cramps. To make a simple assessment one can use the Beighton Score by clicking on the link provided by the Hypermobility Syndromes Association In general…

H.pylori Eradication Therapy

There has been an increase in H.pylori antibiotic resistance throughout Europe Presently the leading triple combination therapy in UK is a 2 week course of Omeprazole 40mg bd + Clarithromycin 500mg bd + Metronidazole 400mg bd With resistant cases quadruple therapy can be considered using 10-14 days of;- a) Omeprazole 20mg qds + Tetracycline 500mg qds + Metronidazole 250mg qds…